Friday, August 22, 2008

end call

im not going to tell you to remember me, or how to remember me. what i am going to tell you is rather how to forget me, and why you should forget me.

i am not anyone important in your life, im just another nameless passerby. i'd doubt that i'd have any impact on your life, even so, it would be minimal or easily brushed off.

everytime i see you, you're nothing more than a past, and most probably just a roadside scenery on the path to the future.

everytime we meet, its not because there's a genuine intention to meet up on your side, but rather its because you require some form of aid from me. so here's to helping you to independance and standing on your own two feet, without the safety net that is me for you to fall back on anymore.

i dont know the future. i dont know what will happen to me, to you. i dont know if either one of our lives will encompass the other. all i'm going to do now, from this point onwards is, i'm going to try and live my life in a world without you.

what happens from here on is a choice i leave up to you.

Saturday, August 09, 2008


god( or the big guy upstairs, or whoever's in charge, if there's really someone as fanatics would have me believe), how i hate relatives coming over to visit. ok, hate may be too strong a word, but i couldnt find a suitable replacement to bridge the gap between irritating, dislike, to hate. on the scale, it would be something like this:

Irritate ----- Dislike --------||--- Hate

back in days of schooling, it would always drop to the topic of school grades. now into the working life, the in vogue topics usually are girlfriends/marriage and jobs/career. fucking hell, today, it even went onto my own personal finances and savings. i mean, what the fuck? i see no fucking need to disclose my financial state to them, i dont even fucking reveal it to my family! and there they were, talking to me about why my bank accounts always have close to zero, about how to save money, yaddah-yaddah-yaddah-baddabing-kabow-i-cant-hear-what-you're-saying.

of fucking course i know the importance of saving. putting money in the bank? i only leave enough for the fucking bloodsuckers to not close the account. the fucking interest rates are just so pathetic, its more like duh-stupid to leave it there. i rather put my money into my other *ahem* account and make it work.

damn, i cant believe i tolerated the half hour or so preaching.