Tuesday, December 14, 2004

lousy day

just when i was going to add a new entry to this depressing pile...stupid adware/spyware attacks.. ARGH! man, am i starting to hate these stupid stuffs as well as IE, could be turning over to firefox if it keeps on going like this...

had another lousy monday. dragged into to see the boss and got ticked off for nothing. like, i could do anything at all without official rights and taking over!! what am i supposed to do, sit in the office waiting for knock off? that means i cant move around or go over to the mess and relac one corner???!!! there's nothing i can do in the office anyway, people come in and want me to indent this indent that, but i'm not officially cleared to clear their requests!! bah....stupid boss.

and just when i thought, time to knock off and go home, wham. make that a big WHAM. last minute meeting called up for mess committee. and at fucking 6 o'clock. lasted till 8. reached home at 10. i could eat someone to quench the anger...


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