Thursday, November 09, 2006


today was filled with alot of "firsts".

first off, today was the first day in 3weeks that i went to work after 9.30. today was also the first day that i did nothing productive at work, all i did was surfing forums and chatting through msn. and most importantly, today was the first day on which i knocked off before the sun setted in 3weeks.

3 fricking weeks, filled with overtime to the twilight hours of the next day. 3 fricking weeks of nonstop manual labour. 3 fricking weeks of insufficient sleep. 3 fricking weeks in which all i did was sleep, eat and work. 3 fricking weeks in which my normal mode of transport was everyone's favourite $2.50 vehicle. imagine the chances of getting the same mercedes limo cab, with the same driver twice over 3days. thats how it was for the past 3 fricking weeks. 3 fricking weeks of smoking a pack of ciggs within 12 frickin hours. 3 fricking weeks of nonstop hokkien-spouted expletives at every screwed-up-task that happened.


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