it is an interesting question, this. do you go for looks or do you go for ability? its has to be the oldest question that has puzzled man for as long as he started to develope some semblence of intelligence. "Do i use the bigass club or the cooler-looking wussy spear to kill some mammoths today?"
this question has been translated so many times, and now, in this modern age, the question is posed and directed at technology. take for handphones for example. a handset with all the latest technology crammed into its tiny shell wouldnt be tiny at all. it would require a big bulky shell to accomodate all the necessary components to enable the latest techs. whereas, an aesthetically-pleasing design would not be achieved if some components weren't sacrificed for looks. you cant have all the eggs in the basket without breaking some of them.
another translation of this question could be pointed out to people. its the most cliche question ever. do you go for looks or inner beauty? sure, everyone would answer inner beauty, stating how if the person has a wonderful character, he/she would appear beautiful on the outside too; when they are actually thinking that they would take a looker with zero character over an ugly person with great character any day. i guess this just goes to show how superficial people really are.
so i wont bother posing this riddle to anyone, because i already know the answer....
this question has been translated so many times, and now, in this modern age, the question is posed and directed at technology. take for handphones for example. a handset with all the latest technology crammed into its tiny shell wouldnt be tiny at all. it would require a big bulky shell to accomodate all the necessary components to enable the latest techs. whereas, an aesthetically-pleasing design would not be achieved if some components weren't sacrificed for looks. you cant have all the eggs in the basket without breaking some of them.
another translation of this question could be pointed out to people. its the most cliche question ever. do you go for looks or inner beauty? sure, everyone would answer inner beauty, stating how if the person has a wonderful character, he/she would appear beautiful on the outside too; when they are actually thinking that they would take a looker with zero character over an ugly person with great character any day. i guess this just goes to show how superficial people really are.
so i wont bother posing this riddle to anyone, because i already know the answer....
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