Wednesday, February 08, 2006

a day in the life...

  1. Anti Depressants - checked
  2. Panadol Pills - checked
  3. Prozac - checked
  4. Medicated Oil - checked
  5. Coffee - checked
  6. Cigerettes - double checked

and the day goes on. well, i'm just exaggerating. really. out of those 6 items, i only use 1 everyday; not that the other 5 were also taken. its just for dramatic effect. (apart from the coffee, havent been able to find anyplace that sells real coffee; the kind that would keep you awake for hours)

not that my life is a drama. in fact, it couldnt be any further from that. my life, is a bore. and that would be an understatement. in fact, a snail's life is probably more interesting. (wonder if they could have switched to turbo engines when they feel some salt; or was it sugar, on their tails)

update then:

got a job, not as far as the days in army. not bad premises, non-existent office politics(so far), food is cheap there, abundant supply of cigerettes, pay is pretty good(on paper), and best of all, unlimited OT. yup, you heard me right, over time. you must be thinking, whats wrong with this guy? yeah, maybe i'm a screw loose up-there-in-the-you-know-where, but i'm enjoying this for now. over time with pay, i think i could bump up my monthly income by a few hundred(exaggerating again) if every week was like this so far. 2 days and a total accumulated OT worth of almost 10hours. and best of all, more to come this week! screw the sleepless nights, this aint as bad as the army, at least there's music and drinks and no boss hanging around during OT. the only drawback is the smell from the chemicals/paint inks of the printing machines, but thats really nit-picking.

yup, life is indeed a bore....and good so far.


Blogger The Tarot Apprentice said...

I'm hoping to learn all those OT-required skills in my job asap so that I can whip the OT out of it. I've a colleague who told me he'd OT near 800 bucks before. I think he literally stayed everyday.


At least is something of your interest ay?

7:52 am  

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