Friday, July 06, 2007

1 leg kicking

so what do you do when all you've got is 1 good leg?

just had my operation done on the right knee, turned out it was an ACL tear. now the knee's all bandaged up and feeling itchy and swollen. moving around on crutches aint much fun either. at least, good thing is that this injury would most probably result in a downgrade in combat status(NO MORE TO DISRUPTIVE IPPTs and ICTs!!!) to all those blardy idiots who think serving their NS is an all-encompassing, all-holy mission in life, wait till you start a hectic corporate work life and the army keeps ringing you up.

3weeks of medical leave. which means im gonna rot at home for the whole of july. not that i give a damn.


Blogger kEsH said...

get well soon~

10:52 pm  

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