Monday, July 31, 2006

resolving issues

so the yellow box rule comes into full force. friends tell me to stop smoking, since there's so many restrictions and prohibitive measures coming into effects. but to me, thats like surrendering my rights to the government. to stop smoking just because of the rules that the people who run this place have put into effect just means that they have won this battle. its not just a simple case of stop smoking and thats it. its a case of surrendering your ideologies, your beliefs, your principles, things that define a person. i smoke because i choose to, not because somebody tells me to, or to spite those who tell me not to smoke. its my choice, and i'm damned if i going to stop just because someone high up in some powerful position tells me to. to stop me smoking is my choice and my decision only.

so today, its smoking, who knows what next the government would try to restrict. its been done with chewing gums and adult magazines. the reason for chewing gums was that it disrupts lifts and train services. yeah right. and subway services and lifts in the US or UK are always halted because of gum. the government would use any reason, any excuse, no matter how stupid it sounds, to cook up some justification of the laws it implements. so sit tight, and treasure the current situation you're in, 'cos the elections are over, and the people in power can do whatever they want, be it raising taxes, raising transportation fees, raising anything to boost their incomes.


singaporeans who blindly follow the ruling party has to be the blindest people in the entire world. they are the ones who wear rose-tinted glasses, believe whatever the government tells them and would cry outrage at the mere notion that the government's wrong.


so this post may be politically charged, and i'm just another faceless nobody in this wide spectrum. but meet me face to face, and i'd still spit out these same words to anybody, PAP lapdog or opposition kah kia.

lim bei buay song with the gahmen, siu hoon kee oso got restrictions liao, nabei fuck off lah.


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