Thursday, June 22, 2006

truth be told...

i hate you.

i hate myself.

in fact, i hate almost everything there is to hate/like.

i hate the rose-tinted spectacles-wearing people that proclaim this land home, i hate the white-wearing people who decide what you can/cannot do, i hate the delusional and misguided populace.

i hate the idea of fate and destiny, i hate the fact that i'm not in control of my life.

i hate the double standards imposed upon different people, i hate the fact that we are judged by academia, yet we learn nothing of the real world from schools.

i hate the shows that are playing on the google box nowadays, i hate the ratings-craving reality shows, everything is the same, rehashed and recycled.

i hate the music playing over the air nowadays, i hate the self-proclaimed emo-rocker poser who wears pink and studded earrings. i hate the money grabbing industrial-churned out package(read boy bands, girl bands, next big thing) who spend their fifteen minutes of fame posing and then leave with nary a whimper.

i hate people seeking excuses and shifting blames.

people will always seek scapegoats for whatever problems there are. blame it on the government, blame it on tom, dick or harry, blame it on the weather, blame it on circumstance. more often than not, religion plays a big part on this. the crusades, jihads, genocides, world wars. senseless butchery and savagery carried out on the word of righteousness of the spoken truth. clashing of differing views and faiths, leading up to vicious verbal attacks, followed by show of arms, resulting in mass suffering.

in good times, it'll be praising of the faith, of 'miracles', or divine intervention. people, blinded and deluded by their faiths, believing that some higher being up there will make things better, that better days would come after offering sacrifice. religion is without a doubt, the easiest and laziest of all scapegoats and excuses.

to quote, "human beings are like germs; viruses, disease, a plague on the surface of these planet."

take a moment to think about it, and you'll find that its true.

i am an angry little man.


Blogger The Tarot Apprentice said...

Eh, the quote was from The Matrix right?

Actually I REALLY believe that we are the cancer of this planet, continously destorying this Earth.

1:47 pm  

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