Sunday, November 06, 2005

ask and you shall recieve...

these days, nothing much gets by. seems i always start off an entry like that now.

haven't spoken a word for quite some time now, instant messaging doesnt count. i dont speak much usually, and i dont really have any spoken word interaction with anyone, not even with my family. i'm kinda detached and anti-social, i know, but it helps in getting things done and keeping a cool head when surroundings are boiling. besides, i dont really see the need to speak when there's nothing intelligent or coherent to speak about. i used to wonder, if i don't speak for quite some time, will i ever forget how to speak?

and to soulburnz:

hey, you should know i'm not a believer in any religion. on my identity card states my religion as buddhism, but i dont really buy into any religious stuff. one could say i'm a moderate religious person, but then again, i dont really believe that there's a god up there. the times i blaspheme with any religious terms are usually when i use them in a pop culture sense of way. i'm interested in a lot of stuff, scriptures, the bible, quran, but the main point of interest in these is to know more about them. that doesnt mean i'm converting to being a muslim when i suddenly get spotted reading any translated form of their holy book, or that i've suddenly turned to christianity when i start quoting the bible.

and finally, to clear things up, that quote from my last entry, was immortalised in pop culture forever when samuel l. jackson, big cool muthafucker he is, said it in Pulp Fiction(best film in my opinion, after Taxi Driver) as Jules Winnefield before he blew some muthafucking asshole up.


Blogger The Tarot Apprentice said...

I also don't believe in god ah. Haha.

8:25 pm  
Blogger The Tarot Apprentice said...

And I think Samuel L Jackson is cool. Watched Coach Carter? Good show.

8:25 pm  

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