Sunday, August 14, 2005

paper chasing part 2

"i got a molotov cocktail with a match the go, i smoke my cigerette with style.."

but the question we never seem to ask ourselves is that "does the government, parents and teachers really knows what's best for us?" i suppose to a certain extent, maybe, but even so, i still feel that what they think is "best for us" are only to suit their own perceptions of society, to suit their own needs, to put it frankly.

thus freedom of expression is stifled by what we're obliged to do. get into a respectable school, study hard, get good grades, go into university, get a degree, come out and look for a well-paying job, get married, have kids, grow old and enjoy the last 10years(if you're lucky) after slogging away 90% of your life. thats the formula being forced down everyone. actions and personal choices are frowned upon(being gay, questioning government policies/authorities, choosing to study arts instead of business/engineering/whatever thats hot right now, etc).

seriously, are we really that immature and un-knowledgeable that we have to have everything planned out for us? what about self-expression and creativity?

so am i to think that a young punk with no real life knowledge or experience whatsoever of the business, armed with only his impressive grades on a piece of paper, is better qualified than a person who has worked like 5-10years in the business? that seems to be the trend nowadays, with the older experienced hands being replaced by the young and fresh grads.

personally, i don't really give a damn about the qualifications. the road map forced down on us seems to be only turning us onto the road of being an employee, not an employer or entrepeuner or whatever. heck, i dont even remember where i threw my certificates, diploma, and result slips. i'm sure they're somewhere in a corner gathering dust, or maybe they're already sold to the karang guni and turned into recycled toilet papers. the whole thing about studying hard for your future to me seems bull shit. school can only teach you about the theories, it's the lessons life throws at you that makes you grow as a person. not that i'm dismissing school as unimportant.

everyone worries about their future, especially people around my age group, where we're at the 1st major crossroads of our lives. i worry too, but i dont let the worrying become a big issue that it has to be addressed immediatly. everything will work out by itself sooner or later, for better or for good. we shouldnt let others' opinions fashion us into what they want to percieve, nor should we be fearful of failure. afterall, isnt failure the best lesson in success? no one learns much from success, the greatest lessons are from the failures we encounter.


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