Sunday, November 14, 2004

romance among other things

ro·mance(r-mns, rmns)n
1.Ardent emotional attachment or involvement between people; love
2.A strong, sometimes short-lived attachment, fascination, or enthusiasm for something

I believe everyone is a romantic. at least thats what I used to believe. why do you think there's the genre of romatic comedy of movies? everyone's a sucker for these type of films. why do you think love songs and ballads are so popular?
its only circumstances that 'forces' people to push the romanticism inside them deep down into their consciousness. it doesnt need people to be rich or fabulously famous to do things of romance. all it needs is for the acts to come from the heart. even the most simple things can be seen as romantic. money is just a convenient excuse people use to throw off any notion of romance. its all up to how much effort a person is willing to put in to make an event or occassion romantic.


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